Electric hot water cylinder
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Electric hot water cylinder

by stam » Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:21 am

I've recently bought a flat and I'm having problems with my hot water. I have a direct water cylinder which I turn on and off via the one switch on the wall. I switch it on before going to bed and turn it off in the morning when I go to work. When I first moved in, the water was fine as was the water pressure in the shower. You could have a least four showers before the water started getting too cold.
One day there was no hot water in the morning. I switched it on and off again, jiggled the immersion heater a bit but obviously nothing happened. I tried turning the water on and off at the fuse box and this seemed to work. Since then the water has never been as hot. It has happened again since.

Do you think there is a problem with the electric connection? If so, why is the water not as hot anymore? Could it be a problem with the immersion? I have tried calling a plumber who tells me to call an electrician who tells me to call a plumber. I want to get it fixed so that can stop worrying that there will be no hot water in the morning but I don't know who to call!

Sorry for the babble. Thanks in advance.

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by els76uk » Sat Apr 18, 2009 1:03 pm

Google "ultimatehandyman.co.uk/plumb_immersion_heater.htm" - I have the same problem. It looks like the element may have blown. In my case, the element is working, but the water isn't getting nearly as hot as it used to.

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by plumbbob » Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:29 am

The water temperature is controlled by the thermostat fitted to the top of an immersion element. Use a screwdriver to increase the setting.

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