Electric over above gas and electricity meter/CU
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Electric over above gas and electricity meter/CU

by plant » Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:21 pm

Sorry if this is not quite the correct forum but it seemed best fit.

I am going to put a new kitchen in my house and would like to know if it is legal and safe to fit a built in over above the gas meter, electricity meter and consumer unit?

I would rather have more space and not do this, but due the kitchen being small there is no where else the gas meter, electicity meter and CU can go. I would be fitting the oven in an oven housing. I have drawn this plan to show what I mean.


I realise it will be a chew to run new cables from the consumer unit if this has been done and will probably mean the oven has to be removed. If this is legal, what would be the minimum distance of X in the picture?

The reason for putting it there is to give as much space in front of the oven door and to use up what would be dead space. Putting the oven anywhere else would create dead space for the size and shape of the kitchen.



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