by Ralph »
Tue Aug 14, 2007 2:43 pm
[quote="sparx"]Hi Ralph, first of all don't blame the leckie! the RCD has just shown up a long standing problem which will need a leckie with an Insulation tester to find.
He will need to seperate all Neutrals from Consumer unit common bar to test each circuit in turn with all circuits switched off/fuses pulled, sorry but not really in the realms of DIY, but should not take long to identify 'duff' circuit[s], most often ring with earth touching Neutral, possibly skt fixing screw against cable, good sparky should find quite soon,
regards SPARX[/quote]
Thanks, leckie found problem today, which was a double 3 point power switch. The wires were very loose, leckie spotted them, tighten up and trip switch works OK. The 3 point plug being used for a floor stand light, with no problems.
Took the two leckies 1.5 hours to find fault and re-store all plus etc.