by sparx »
Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:14 pm
Hi. HMO's requirements vary depending on how many floors etc. generally individual non linked standard smoke alarms for each 'home' eg flat/bedsit.
PLUS proper fire alarm system for all stairs & other communal areas, designed installed and certified to BS 5839-part 6, & 1.
Don't forget Part P applies to mains wiring in dwellings & make certain as well as 'Public Liability' you also have 'professional Indemnity' insurance cover for your design.
As you are probably aware you will need to install at least 2 sounder circuits distributed over the area , with enough circuits to enable the source of any alarm to be easily found by firefighters.
A bgCall Point on every exit and landing, no more than one door between sounders etc.
As for emergency lights BS5266 and ICEL1006 are the standards to watch.
Be aware emergency lights have to go outside exits as well as inside if it's unlit outside already, plus fire fighting equipment eg extiguishers and fire alarm panel must be lit by emergency lighting,
a mine field for the unwary!
regards SPARX