Excell problems
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Excell problems

by greengrass » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:44 pm

Windows mobile. Loox’s Pocket PC
Problem saving files in EXCEL
1. I opened my telephone book file to add and amend information
2. Once done clicked ok to save file and new info added
3. Message showed ‘An error occurred saving ‘telephone book’
4. along with the options ‘OK Cancel.
5. OK exits the file without saving
6. Cancel leaves you IN the file.
7. In order to stay in and not having to re-write the information I clicked cancel and the added info still being there I selected all and copied the whole file contents to a new EXCEL file.
8. And after adding further information it saved ok, so then deleted the old file.

9. Then to test re-opened the new file added further information and once again I get the error message.
10. What seems to be the problem. As you will gather I haven't a clue about computers just how to put information in get it out and delete, far too old in the tooth to learn when they talk about rams I wonder what a PC has to do with sheep........ Many thanks

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