by Mauvern »
Fri May 02, 2008 5:34 pm
Thanks for your reply, the interest taken and the info/advice given, I appreciate it. You are right, being an amatuer I used a neon screwdriver to check for power presence, being inexperienced I thought it was serving my purposes. I "saved" the wiring diagrams,etc from SUNDIAL PLANS DETAIL and my own system is undoubtedly similar. When we moved here some 7 years ago, a brand new boiler was installed as part of the deal. It follows that the central heating system must have been very old even then. It would seem that the original installation was to the specification of the ACL "Lifestyle" fully pumped twinzone layout. This appears to be confirmed by a basic use of ACL components, TVR's, room stat, cyclinder stat, motorised valves, ACL LWC1 wiring centre, etc. The previous owners had canibalised this by using other brands of small items to maintain the system.Inside the wiring centre is a printed stickon chart for the twinzone wiring layout. The installed wiring follows this very closely, utilizes the identical colours and carries tabs on each wire, showing their intended use, e.g., "Roomstat", Cylinder stat", "HW Valve", etc. The wiring loom is installed in a numbered connectior strip, some 16 capacity wide, with 15 of these being used. As already stated, for our first 5 years we had no problems, then the hot water facility became useless in a similar fashion to that currently experienced.A local heating concern diagnosed a faulty hot water motorised valve, changed the original ACL model for one made by Honeywell and departed. All seemed well until the present problem arose. I suppose it is possible that the the Honeywell valve has itself become defective, but I rather doubt this. I shall continue in my attempts to put matter right and your advice and info. will be a help in this.Thanks once4 again.