Filling in old Warm air Heating Vent
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Filling in old Warm air Heating Vent

by arsytee » Wed Oct 24, 2018 5:20 pm

Hi, I need some help with my house and not sure if this is the correct section. It sort of fits in to several.

I've got a brick built detached house, built in 1980. Downstairs are solid concrete floors. The old heating system was a hot air systems. Having removed the carpet to put new flooring in, I've discovered the old vents in the floor are still there but they have been badly filled in. I have removed all the rubbish (possibly plaster) that was poured down there and the ducting feels damp inside, almost wet, anyone know why this would be? The hole goes down about a foot, and then runs under the floor to presumably where the old boiler was, which has been removed and the holes also filed in. I want to fill this hole back in and level it. I was going to put some hardcore down there and then screed or concrete. I was also thinking of squirting some expanding foam down the hole first so it blocks the duct under the floor. Is this the correct thing to do? Any advice would be appreciated.



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