Fitting Downlighters From Downstairs but Ceiling Joists in the Way
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Fitting Downlighters From Downstairs but Ceiling Joists in the Way

by Akadan77 » Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:33 am

hi, i have brought spotlights for my hallway and kitchen. i have managed to do the hallway but only by luck that the beams didn't get in my way, i know that when i come to do the kitchen the beams will cross my path and block me from fishing my wire across the ceiling.

removing boards upstairs isn't possible due to tiling etc...

a friend (not in the trade) has said i should cut a thin channel all the way down the ceiling to run the wire and tack it to underside of the beams (make a small notch if needed in beams so wire doesn't sit proud of the ceiling), obviously splitting off where needed to each of the lights.. then just filler the strip, sand and re-paint.

wondering if there is any other tips on how to do this, (trying to avoid costs of getting a plasterer in to make good)


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