by kbrownie »
Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:23 pm
If you want the same switch to operate both lights, run a cable the same size(CSA) as the one currently installed on you lighting circuit.
To the new ceiling rose terminate the red/brown wire into the live terminal on the rose, this should also connect the brown flex of the lamp,
then the black/blue wire to the neutral side agian connected to the blue flex of lamp.
The terminal where the is red on your original should then be connected to the other end of your new cable to the red/brown and the black to the black/blue.
You say only two wires are connected at present, where is your CPC(earth wire) these ends should all be terminated together at earth terminals at both roses. If there is non present use only plastic or double insulated accessories(roses/switches/fittings), double insulated fitting will have a symbol on them, two squares inside the other.
PS. Remember to isolate circuit prior to work.