Fixing a long and wide wall crack after accident
General problems, solutions, information and advice on fixing to walls of all kinds

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Fixing a long and wide wall crack after accident

by CMDR_Valkyrie » Fri Aug 14, 2020 11:57 pm

Hey all! Was wondering if you could help me out with a suggestion or two. I've accidentally kicked a rather large hole in my wall, and as I plan on moving out soon, I need tips on how to fix it, preferably on a budget!

The crack is 45 inches tall, running from the floor to a windowsill, and just over 2 inches at it's widest. Crack happened near the joint of two sheets of drywall.

I've done my research and it seems like in most cases, there are two common solutions. Either use drywall tape for thin cracks, or cut and graft in a new section of drywall for wide cracks

I would rather not have to go out and buy a large slab of drywall just for one single repair, as well as all the other tools required for that, especially since I'm trying to downsize for moving out! I very much doubt that I'd be able to get any scraps, and even if I could, I don't drive so transporting them would be a pain.

But on the other hand, there's no way that putting drywall tape over that gap and plastering over it is going to work, right?

So, are there any suitable intermediary solutions I can use? Or do I just have to bite the bullet and go all out.

Looking forward to your suggestions!

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Joined: Wed Apr 01, 2020 3:30 pm

Re: Fixing a long and wide wall crack after accident

by George441 » Tue Aug 18, 2020 5:34 am


If you give us a photo of that then it will more easier to give you a perfect direction.

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