Fixing TV onto Wall - Strength of Aerated Concrete Wall
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Fixing TV onto Wall - Strength of Aerated Concrete Wall

by PhilipJ » Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:34 pm


I am wanting to fix my TV onto the wall. The wall directly behind the TV is a metal stud wall so has no strength, so I need to mount the TV on the side wall (a solid wall) with the TV on a long arm.
Intended TV position
Intended TV position

I am concerned that this puts a lot of horizontal force on the wall (equiv ~28kg).

The wall is a dot and dab onto aerated concrete blocks (H+H Celen Blocks Standard Grade ( ... con-blocks)
Will the wall support a 28kg side load? The TV stand says it will support TVs up to 25kg, but even with a 11.5kg TV, it seems like when I hold the TV stand up with TV, this feels lie it will put a large load on the wall. Any advice would be very welcome.
TV stand is Vogels THIN 545 ( ... ount-black)

Many thanks,

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