Drainage pipes, concrete, footings and foundations. Post your questions and find answers here

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Joined: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:27 pm


by greengrass » Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:55 pm

Since a school at rear of our property was demolishedand and land sold for developemt we have suffered from flooding in the garden.

Anyone got any 'Bullets' I can fire at both council and housing association regarding my flooded garden, I visulize this carrying on for sometime unless I get some ammunition.

We were intially told once building of houses commenced and
drrains are in floods will stop.....wrong still flooded.......... A gravel filled trench along the backs of properties still haven't solved the flooding. They are now talking 'Soft Drain' what's that? in my garden rund to a suitable drainage poing near the house.
My concern is who's going to maintain it and or replace it when required.
They may be trying but seems to me going the cheep method/way first.
Many thanks in anticipation for your ' ammo '

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