Foul drainage for new ensuite
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Foul drainage for new ensuite

by Toot6191 » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:19 am

We are looking to add an ensuite to a 1st floor bedroom that is on the oposite side of the house to the soil stack. I don't want to use a maserator or pumped system as i've not met anyone who has a good word about these. Also i don't particularly want a soil stack on the front of the house!

The distance from the w/c to a side external floor is about 4m and the 4" soil pipe at the recommended fall can be accomodated under the floor. I note however that this 4m distance is in excess of the max length allowed for the prposed shower and washbasin connection.

My question is can i connect the shower and washbasin into the w/c 100mm outlet in the ensuite and then take a single pipe to the side of the house??



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