by clulee »
Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:46 pm
I don't understand the comparison between a chap estimating the amount of paint required to do a job, and the amount of gas available from a pipe.
I have been working with gas and oil fired boilers for as long as you, on a range of appliances from domestic cookers to 75,000,000 btu. HTHW and steam boilers.
That having been said, over the years I have worked with a few chaps young enough to be my son, but who I learned from.
You ask how a domestic meter could fail to deliver the gas required for a
boiler and hob.
From your training, you should know Sir. What if the appliance was in the West Wing of Buckingham Palace and the gas meter was in the East Wing 100 yards away? Do you think you would get it to fire on rate on a 22mm pipe?
Best regards,Clulee.