GRP Composite Door Makes Creaking and Cracking Noises
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GRP Composite Door Makes Creaking and Cracking Noises

by CreakyDoor » Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:01 pm

I have a GRP composite front door and it makes loud creaking/cracking noises intermittently - usually starting mid-afternoon and continuing throughout the night. The door is west-facing and gets the mid-afternoon/evening sun, so it looks as if the noise is caused by the door material expanding and contracting. The surface of the door does get extremely hot to the touch at times. It was fitted about 18 months ago.

My question is about whether anything can be done to reduce or eliminate the creaking/cracking noises as these are very distracting, especially at night - I've been woken up by the cracking noises at night as they are so loud (the front door is very near the bedroom). The door supplier/fitter (Anglian) claim that they cannot do anything to help as this is apparently a known "feature" of composite doors (which their salesman neglected to tell me, of course, before I signed up...).

The door model can be found on this page: (it's the Exeter model in golden oak colour).

I've checked with some of my neighbours who have similar composite doors (supplied by Anglian) and none of them have the noise problems, even though one (Barcelona model in dark woodgrain) is south-facing and heats up for longer than my door. Another neighbour did have the wrong model (Canterbury model in dark woodgrain) of door fitted by Anglian originally and that did make creaking/cracking noises, but their correct replacement door (Chichester design in dark woodgrain) makes no noise at all, so that makes me wonder whether my door has a manufacturing fault (their door is also west-facing).

I'm otherwise happy with the door so would like to keep it, but the noise does drive me nuts sometimes. If anyone can offer any suggestions for resolving the problem myself, or tips for persuading Anglian to fix it, then I'd much appreciate it.

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