Have you used opw windows? Whats your opinion.
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Re: Have you used opw windows? Whats your opinion.

by thedoctor » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:32 pm

I have just had a thorough investigation done on this company and can find no evidence to say they have ripped anyone off other than the posts placed on this forum and elsewhere on the web. I cannot, even on behalf of DIY Doctor make any judgements about their work.

What I can say however is that our investigations of public records, available to anyone through companies house, show clearly that OPW By Design is a Company which started trading after OPW Ltd was dissolved.

There is a direct tie in with the company directors and the published phone number and I can also say for a fact that OPW BY Design have contacted us (as public forum providers) and threatened us with court action if we do not take the negative posts about their company down from our pages. They have also threatened us, via their SEO agency (by telephone) that they will sue us for loss of earnings. Their accounts can also be downloaded for £1 from the company house website. Of course we will not take any action of this kind.

I have told OPW by Design, through their Agency Genie4, that if they have nothing to hide and are innocent of any charges or accusations made by members of the public on this forum, then they should post their responses on this forum. They also say that the posts on this forum are not made by real customers and are "made up" to discredit them.

To be absolutely clear on my personal stance on this topic as well as the position of DIY Doctor Ltd, we do not in any way endorse or agree with any statements made on this forum. It is a public place for members of the public to air their views and DIY Doctor Ltd or any of it's representitives will only state facts. The views, opinions and accusations made by members of the public are not those of DIY Doctor Ltd and any member of the public proven to be making false accusations is of course liable to a charge of libel. This charge then has to be proved by those being accused. Those accused of any wrong doing of any kind on this forum have every right to respond.

Mike Edwards - Brand Manager - DIY Doctor Ltd.

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