by lindum »
Sat Apr 13, 2019 10:01 am
- 31VzQ5lNGlL._SCLZZZZZZZ__SY500_SX500_.jpg (10.76 KiB) Viewed 1786 times
I recently bought an under-sink water filter to save me money because I was buying £60 of bottled water every 2 months (I'm Diebetic). I've got the filter and the flexable water pipes but I can't find a couple of plastic clips to hold the filter in place.
After searching through hundreds of pages on google I'm beginning to think they don't exist. The filter body is 6.4cm in diameter and its a pvc pipe holder clip. I found loads of these clips but all were for 15mm pipe.
Anyone come across 6.4cm size clip please let me know. If all else fails I can always full back on the plastic ties, but it would look better with the clip and when it comes to changing the cartridge its just pull off and push on. Rather than cut the ties and then replacing them.