Help with mounting a flat screen TV to the wall and hiding the power cables
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Help with mounting a flat screen TV to the wall and hiding the power cables

by Joona » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:33 am

We are renting privatley and want ideas on to do the following.

mount tv to the wall and hude power cables and hdmi leads.

We do not want to chissel out the wall as if we come to move out we will have to put it write etc.

so my idea is this.

take the fire souround off and and from the mains socket tack the power cables to the skiting borad or wall and then run the cable behind the fire souround along the harth and then up through the middle of the harth, with trunking conceling the cable, I know you can get paintable trucking but can you also put wall paper on the trunking instead of paint.

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Joined: Mon May 19, 2014 10:53 am

Re: Help with mounting a flat screen TV to the wall and hiding the power cables

by DIYDoctor2 » Mon May 19, 2014 1:13 pm

I presume your fireplace is not in use?

If this is the case then you can use the trunking as you suggest and if you stick wallpaper to it using PVA it should adhere to the plastic satisfactorily as it is only a small area. However we would advise roughening the surface of the plastic first to provide a 'key'.

Key the plastic with sandpaper first then apply a thin coat of pva let that dry. Then when it comes to papering over the trunking apply a thin even coat to the paper before smoothing into place.

Wood glue is a strong version of pva and this Gorilla Glue would suit your purpose

We also have a guide about PVA in our main website if you are interested?

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