I have just purchased a HIVE active heating. My boiler is a basi M90e
https://www.biasi.co.uk/assets/public/i ... re/34/Riva Compact_Service Manual.pdf
I think I have a thermostat currently it’s always set to maximum I don’t really use it. I took the cover off and there’s a red black and earth wire. I have old wiring so I assume live neural earth. No idea if this thermo is even in use. How would it connect to the boiler if so?
Heres the wiring set up on the boiler
02821-AAA-026-E-4-C77-AF45-5-A66-FCC43-C8-D - https://ibb.co/9v7Ky2r
the hive set up
06388BFE 09B0 4376 A46B 0E369D87A60E - https://imgshare.io/image/prHwpt
I know it’s the bottom block I need to change. Please could someone explain which wires I put into which bits on the HIVE. Also do I remove that black linking wire? What should I fit to the earth tether. Do I need to set the boiler current clock to always on? I assume I remove the live and neutral wires from the top connector box and put these into my hive L and N. Then the bottom block blue I think is my CH on as it links with the red terminal wire which I think is maybe my thermo. So CH on blue, CH off grey take these out and out them into the hiv correct on/off ports. Now it’s just the red wire I am unsure about.