by jimmy_one_ball »
Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:02 pm
RCD's won't detect overcurrent such as a short circuit or overload so no, they don't operate like a fuse, they merely detect earth faults and are used for additional protection only. The main fault protection is either the MCB's or the re-wirable fuses which must have tripped/blown because the other socket outlets don't work.
Is it possible there were too many things plugged in at the same time? For a 32A ring final circuit you don't want to go over about 7,500 watts, or if its a 20A radial final circuit then 4,500 watts. If this is the case then you will be able to re-set the MCB after things have cooled down a bit but it will soon heat up the cables again and the same thing will happen. Also a loose connection somewhere can cause this.
If you have a 16A breaker protecting a radial circuit then this may be nuisance tripping, simply replace it with a 20A.
If thats not the case then there must be a short circuit (fault in the wiring) somewhere but they usually go immediately and you can't re-set the MCB.
Might just be the TV is knackered, unplug it to see if the MCB can be re-set.
If you've got re-wireable fuses then make double sure you use the correct fuse wire! It's always best to get someone in.
Hope this helps