by sparx »
Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:58 pm
Hi further to Donframacs valid comment, check if your thermostat wiring has a neutral wire as well as live in and sw.-live out,
the human body feels about 1.5deg C change in air temp. so if your stat takes 5 deg to change over then room will always be too hot or too cold,
ie rads hot /cold.
to cut down on this dead band (hysterisis curve) there is a small resister fitted in the stat but it needs a neutral connection to work.
By the way you do appreciate that no thermostat can adjust the surface temp. of your rads, that is set by the boilers internal stat. your room stat only gives on/off control not proportional!
You need to check with drawing inside cover of stat but I think term 2 should be N
regards SPARX