How to Repair Old Pipe Hole through External Wall After Kitchen Works
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How to Repair Old Pipe Hole through External Wall After Kitchen Works

by DrBeagor » Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:55 am

We had some work done to our kitchen recently. As part of it, our dishwasher was moved and the old waste pipe which passed through the rear wall became redundant.
The units hid this on the inside but I’ve just seen this from the outside and the old hole through the exterior wall has been filled with silicone. This seems a large hole to be filled in such a way to me.... but I’m certainly not an expert at these things!
The hole is approx 40mm diameter. The wall is (I think) single brick-cavity-single brick. I can only assume the cavity has not been compromised. The exterior wall is painted white, so the white silicone matches colour but still manages to not blend in.
Is this a suitable filling material in this situation?

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