I have bought a plug and play garden lighting system and need to mount the cable. I think the cable sleeving is pvc. It is this one http://www.qvsdirect.com/plug-play-6m-extension-cable?utm_source=google&utm_medium=googleshopping&utm_campaign=googlebase&gclid=Cj0KEQjwwMi7BRDGptbvwOCDj8oBEiQAIALyDLdybnLMXORxYz6DU5-aPx96tWa-QyOtQ5QSWQVLcqAaArIv8P8HAQ
Essentially, I want to run the cable along a concrete fence base and was wondering what adhesive / glue to use? I need something that sets quick since I cannot clamp it.