by Mr White »
Tue Dec 24, 2019 7:29 pm
You have wired it wrong before you start.
You should take a twin and earth from the 6A mcb to the switch. (I will call this cable M)
You take a twin and earth cable from each light position to the switch. (I will call these Lt1 and Lt2)
(You will now have 3 cables at the switch, each with 3 cores)
You connect* the earth of M to the earth of Lt1 and the earth of Lt2
You connect* the neutral of M to the neutral of Lt1 and the neutral of Lt2
This will leave you with 3 wires.
You connect the live of cable M to the switch terminal you call L (Are you sure it does not say C on the switch?) You also need to take another short wire from this terminal L to the other terminal L
You now have 2 wires left. (One each from Lt2 and Lt1)
You now connect the wire from Lt2 to the switch terminal marked L1
You now connect the wire from Lt1 to the other switch terminal marked L1
You then install the lights, and connect the live neutral and earth to the respective terminals of each light.
You then get a competent person to test and connect to the consumers unit.
* Under no circumstances can you use the other switch terminals as connectors, you should use connector block or better still "wago connectors"
You will also require earth sleeving, for the earth wire on the twin and earth.