How/What Insulation to use in overhead ceiling voids with limited access?
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How/What Insulation to use in overhead ceiling voids with limited access?

by Atacama40 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 1:32 pm

Morning all, first post here.

We have an single story extension built circa 2002. It's well built but the insulation is woeful.

Just replacing some downlighters in the ceiling and can see that there's basically zero insulation in there!

Access above is zero, it's a flat roof finished in a grey GRP roof covering. Access from below is limited to the downlighter openings.

I'm wandering how we can retro fit some form of insulation? Is it possible blow some form of loose fill in there and fit light shrouds? If so how is this best done?

And ideally I'd like to use a green insulation if possible. But at this stage I'd settle for any form of insulation :-)

Advice would be very gratefully received. Bit stuff on this one. Many thanks

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Re: How/What Insulation to use in overhead ceiling voids with limited access?

by stoneyboy » Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:01 pm

Hi atacama40
Probably better to overboard,the ceiling and incorporate some insulation between the old and new boards.
Regards S

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Re: How/What Insulation to use in overhead ceiling voids with limited access?

by Atacama40 » Tue Nov 10, 2020 9:28 am

Thanks for the steer. But ouch that's not so easy. Ceiling is coved and over tiled with very pricey Italian glass tiles .... yes sounds awful but isn't :-)

No I need to install via the downlighter and speaker openings. There are in fairness 2 6" speaker voids and 9 68mm downlighter openings ... enough in reality to at least get injection access to pretty much all the noggin braces voids.

Have been reading about these small scale foam injection kits. Whilst previously I'd steer away from these, the voids are bone dry and sealed on all sides so risk is minimal i'd think.

Of more concern is the electrics and audio etc. Technically can see little practical reason why there should be any negative effect but doesn't feel the right thing to do somehow.

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