by ericmark »
Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:44 am
The immersion heater will only heat water above it. Sometimes you get two heaters in one unit one goes deeper than the other from the top of the tank and you can select short one for normal domestic and long one before having a bath. Some times two completely separate units are fitted in the side of the tank. As well as the heaters they also have thermostats which slide down a tube called a pocket inside the immersion heater if this is wrong length it can switch them off too early and also sometimes the tank is too small to fill bath and it relies on the temperature being set high and cold water being added. Also sometimes there is a pump that circulates the water so hot water comes straight away and no need to run off cold this also ensures whole tank warms up if switched off then you will get reduced amount of water. The latter is normally only with big houses.
As to which one is problem in your case, I will guess on wrong immersion heater or thermostat fitted. 11 inch and 27 inch seem to be common sizes so how far down the tank does it heat? But there are also 14", 30" and 36" do any of those lengths seem to match how much heats up?