Installing Partially Raised Decking Help
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Installing Partially Raised Decking Help

by geneticmaterial » Tue May 12, 2020 10:02 pm

Hi. First post.
Looking to install a 11.5x2.4m decking at the bottom of our garden.
The 11.5m length is backed by a shared fence which uses 6 sunk posts.
The incline of that 11.5m length drops a foot or so from one end to the other.
At one side (the lower side) there's a garage wall. The other side is a retaining wall of the same brick type.
Fairly sure the ground is top soil then clay.
The deck will be 2.4m wide all along simply based on standard joist lengths and will be 400 to 600 apart depending on beam width. The decking boards will run the length of the 11.5m.
Just a few questions:
What spacing would you recommend for the footings? Some neighbours have done 1-1.5m apart and 300m deep with post-crete and 90mm posts.
Could I utilise the walls at each to anchor into? I've seen some videos on doing this and leaving gaps etc to avoid damp.
Can I use the fence posts at all to anchor the joist running the full 11.5m length too?

Pic attached.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks. Dan.

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