Is Flexim Roof Putty a Good Replacement for Mortar for Pointing Ridge and Hip Tiles?
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Is Flexim Roof Putty a Good Replacement for Mortar for Pointing Ridge and Hip Tiles?

by HollinKer » Sat Nov 23, 2019 3:54 pm

Hi There,

We have a 1920's semi-detatched house with a large roof.

The ridge tiles/hip tiles need re-pointing.

We have a roofer that we're considering to help with the job.

He's recommending using Flexim Roof Putty for re-pointing the ridge tiles/hip tiles.

I've looked for reviews regarding this material but can't find many on-line.

He won't be re-bedding the ridge tiles/hip tiles; he just intends to re-point using Flexim (he may need to grind out some of the current mortar pointing where this has not already fallen out).

He feels the ridge tiles/hip tiles are heavy so won't fall off; he feels they seem to be well bedded in most places. He feels that pulling up/re-bedding the ridge/hip tiles may damage some of the highest (smaller) tiles under the ridge/hip tiles (making a bigger job than necessary).

Can Flexim Roof Putty be used just for re-pointing or do you need to fully re-bed the ridge/hip tile into this putty for this material to work effectively?

Will Flexim bond well to the older existing mortar, if/when ground out of the joint (do you need to apply some sort of primer/pva to help create a stronger bond)?

Any feedback would be welcome.


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