Hi guys.Hope someone can help.
Recently moved in and decided to change switches and lights and forgot to remember what went where.So down stairs I have a 2 Gang 2 way switch which should control the hallway light and the landing light.Upstairs I have a 1 Gang 2 way switch.Therefore the landing light can be turned on and off from downstairs and upstairs.
I have the following wiring downstairs: 2 Reds(only 1 of these is live),2 Blacks and 2 earths.I have put the live red into common terminal and the black into L1.L2 has been left emptyThis switches the downstairs light on and off perfectly.I have then put a link wire from the first common terminal to the second common terminal and the other black into the second L1 and the other red into L2.The earths are in a seperate terminal.
Upstairs in the box I have a red and earth coming from the light and then the red,black and earth from downstairs cming up in to the box.I have wired as follows: Red from light into the common terminal,Red from downstairs into L2 and Black into L1.Earth into seperate terminal.
Wiring at ceiling where the landing light is fitted as follows: Red and Earth and then a seperate single core black wire.
Connected the above as follows: Red to live terminal on the new light and black to neutral and earth to earth terminal but it will not work.WHY?