leaking porcelanosa push button toilet
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leaking porcelanosa push button toilet

by Twohooter » Wed Jun 10, 2009 9:47 pm

Please could someone help this DIY phoebic girl. I have a porcelanosa toilet with a push button flush on top of the cistern which has two buttons. There is a problem with the overflow in that there is a constant small stream of water running into the toilet bowl. I have read on the forum that to get access to the cistern I will need to wiggle out the buttons on the flush which will then give me access to a screw to be undone before I can lift the lid. However, could someone please advise me what they think will need to be done once I have managed to get the lid off. I can't really afford a plumber at prsent and so hope I can have a go at fixing the problem myself. Any advice would be most gratefully received. I am afraid the diagram on the site showing the innards of the cistern wasn't particularly clear to me so an idiot guide would be helpful.

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by stoneyboy » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:47 pm

You'll either have to lever out the buttons for access to the fixing screw or you may have to unscrew the bezel around the buttons. Once you have done this and removed the lid have a look to see if there is any debris in the bottom of the cistern - if yes clean it. Operate the mechanism and see if the plunger drops onto the seating. You may be able to remove the whole central mechanism by turning it anti-clockwise this will make checking it easier.

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by rosebery » Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:44 pm

Hooters (what an expressive nick!)

The diagram on the projects section will only be of any use to you if the innards you have look like that one. I'm afraid there are many on the market now and that is only one example

However it sounds as though the problem lies with the inlet valve whatever the shape / size of the flush mechanism. It sounds as though the float is not correctly adjusted so that it doesn't shut the water off before the level rises above the point where it overflows down into the pan.

In the project diagram the inlet valve is on the left hand side and the can shaped object to its right is the float. The float is adjustable on the arm to which it is attached by a threaded rod. Adjustment is by screwing the rod either clockwise or anticlockwise so that the float moves up or down relative to the arm. This then sets the water level in the cistern and should be adjusted so that it shuts the valve off before the beastie overflows. This should not need a plumber its a simple job. The main trick, though, is geting the lid off. Not all of them work by prising the buttons out per the project. On some of them the ring surrounding the buttons unscrews from the body of the flush mechanism to release the lid.



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by Twohooter » Sun Jun 14, 2009 9:35 pm

Thank you both very much for taking the time and trouble to reply to my question.

Rosebery - your advice is wonderfully clear and understandable even for a DIY numpty like me. I am extremely gratfeful to you for giving me the confidence to have a go myself. I will let you know when I have fixed it.

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