by htg engineer »
Wed May 07, 2008 9:40 pm
Leak from water heater ?
or tank ?
Pump for central heating ?
or shower ?
I couldn't make much sense of the post you have written.
If it's a shower, the tank should not drain for the pump to run dry or pull air in, if it is you need to check the flow rate from the tank and the cold water flow rate to the tank.
If the pump is sucking air in, because the shower was on too long and the tank drained, how would it overflow ?? it's empty ?
"its doing my head in and I have at times gone out and forgotten to turn all the feeds off only to return to water coming through the ceiling."
If the tank is filling when there's no-one in the property, no taps running, shower off so pump should be off - then the tank shouldn't be filling.
This will probably be a faulty ballvalve.
If you're talking about the central heating pump, it has nothing to do with the hot water or the shower.
If there's water coming through the ceiling, the overflow from the tank is damaged or blocked. Get the overflow sorted and the ceiling will not come down.
'Last night the pump itself seemed to be leaking aswell.'
As the pump is electric this should take priority, as it could be dangerous if leaking - and the overflowing tank might be of some use as it could put out the fire when water gets into the electrics.
Not meaning to be cheeky or nasty but I think you need a plumber as you don't seem to have much idea of what is happening or how to put it right.
From the post I'm assuming you let the property out - so safety is paramount if you don't want to end up in court.