Levels for a Planning Application for Detached Garage??
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Levels for a Planning Application for Detached Garage??

by Tobynobody » Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:45 pm


I have had plans approved for a stand alone detached garage. We've started work but I have an issue with complying with my overall height as per planning app.

I have had the diggers in and removed 3 loads of muck.. so the overall level of the site has now dropped nearly 500mm (Not including an foundations) from the original level. To make things even more difficult I have different ground levels on 3 sides of the new building (due to a road and neighbours property)

My question is where or how do I take my measurement to comply with my height as per plans, from the shortest side or the longest side or from the original ground level?

I've tried to contact my local planning office but have drawn a blank, I either get a "computer says no" attitude or "speak to the original planning officer" (who I have tried to call countless times and has ignored countless emails too... apparently this poor service is due to "cuts".)

I don't really want to really go with the lowest measurement to be on the safe side, I want to make it as big as posible to justify the build but stay within my plans

Hope this makes sence

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