The passageway in my bungalow has four ( 4) downlighters,the bulbs are, "HI-SPOT ESSO 50 W", another passage that runs of the passage mentioned has two (2) of the same downlighters in the ceiling. I replaced all the bulbs with, GU10 LED 240 bulbs, 4.5 w. In the passage with 4 bulbs, when I put in the forth bulb all the lights flickered on and off,in the other passage with 2 bulbs, when putting in the second bulb again these light filckered on and off. I have put these bulbs in our, kitchen, bathroom, en suite, second bathroom and utility room and they are all fine. Can anyone help with why the bulbs in the passage and side passage flicker on and off when putting the last bulb of four in and the last bulb of two in ? I hope this makes sense and would appreciate any help that anyone can give me.
Regards Kenh