Find all the information you will need in order to create your account and get started and also certain other points to be aware of when using our forum

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Project Manager
Project Manager
Posts: 16777203
Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:12 am
Location: Somerset in the UK in Shepton mallet


by TheDoctor4 » Mon May 14, 2012 4:09 pm

We have quite a strict policy on links that can be added to topics, questions and answers. Our forum area is not a link building platform for spammers or those that are attempting to obtain quality links back to their websites with the goal of increasing page rank.

In light of this we will only allow links if they meet the following criteria:

- They suggest/recommend a tool/product that directly relates to the solving of the given topic/question
- They link to an image or set of images hosted on a 3rd party site such as photobucket etc… that contains images directly related to the question, topic or answer in question
- If you are an advertiser on the DIY Doctor site and you are using the forum area to assist users with questions in your specialist field, you are allowed to post links within responses that will assist the user in a resolution to their issue but you can only link back to your own project page(s) and not directly to your own site

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