by ericmark »
Mon Jun 22, 2020 4:14 pm
I agree with @Mr White you can get cable locators, but they are normally two part systems, one bit injects a signal and other bit looks for that signal.
Officially there are so called safe routes for cables, however I put a hack saw blade through a cable in my house that was not following a safe route.
I had RCD protection and it still put me on the floor where I woke up latter, a RCD trips within 40 mS and is triggered by any imbalance over 30 mA but it does not limit the current to 30 mA, in those 40 mS you could get 100's of amps.
Best option is wear gloves, does not stop cable damage but does protect you, gloves however are not the best bit of PPE, I nearly lost my finger because the gloves were too small and restricted the blood flow after my accident, so do ensure the are correct size.