Looking for replacement TMV for solar system
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Looking for replacement TMV for solar system

by Shafee » Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:44 am

Hi all,

A while back I posted about an issue I was having with hot taps running luke warm whilst the water in the cylinder was hot (70 deg).

It was determined that the likely issue was a faulty TMV.

I’m looking for assistance for 2 points if possible:

1. Does anyone know where I can get a like for like replacement for the Solar TMV. There seems to be many types out there and to the untrained it’s a little confusing. Image of current one included. Can’t figure out who the manufacturer is - Altecnic possibly??

2. It looks straight forward to swap out. I have previously had to change out a PRV and had remove and reseat one of the expansion vessels. So not a complete newbie. Can anyone direct me to an instructional video etc? Or provide me with an overview of how to change it out?

Hot Water set-up:
* Unvented cylinder - Range Tribune HE Indirect Solar TT300 by Kingspan
* Solar panels - “Clearly Solar Collectors” by Glow worm
* Solar panel system - Solar pump station and system hydraulics by Glow worm
* Boiler - Logic Heat 15 by Ideal
* Programmable thermostats and hot water timer by Danfoss (TP9000+TP5000Si)
* Fluropro solar control by Glow worm

Many thanks in advance.
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