by ericmark »
Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:25 pm
I would not expect there to be a problem with most houses for the supply to be terminated in a low place. Even outside the house the heights given are 0.5 to 1.5 meters for the socket supplying caravans and that is to allow the used easy assess.
Basic point is a dwelling should not be built where it is likely to flood. I know there have been errors made, near where I live the builders were give the hight of the ground floor of a set of houses which would ensure should culverts block water would flow over the road before it flooded the houses. However the builder set the ground floor 0.5 meters too low. As to if this was down to builder for doing it or council for allowing it is for debate clearly the building inspector should have highlighted this error. But the incoming mains is still at a normal hight.
Some specials in York are designed to flood now this is very different with IP68 units only being used below the expected high water level but unless the house is designed to be flooded then there would be no limit to where it could be placed.