low pressure/lukewarm water/fed from deposit at same height
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low pressure/lukewarm water/fed from deposit at same height

by spain » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:16 pm

I live in a village in Spain where the water is fed to houses from the village deposit,
I bought and restored the heighest house in the village, which is levelish with the deposit,hence i dont get great pressure
i have fitted a standard gas boiler (turn water on/gas heats it up)and during summer its fine,so i dont look at it
every winter the water gets colder and we result in having showers downstairs,
the house has 20mm feed,then 20mm hot ,reducing to 15mm to tap shower lines etc
i have recently discovered that if i turn on the sink hot aswell as the shower hot the boiler turns the gas right up and the water comes through red hot(if the balance is right)but half goes down the sink whilst using the shower
is there anyway i can fool the boiler without wasting gas or water,by fitting a valve or bypass???
is it the feed pressur the problem????or the size of the pipes i had fitted???
the village deposit is being moved higher to accomodate more houses(but when is anyones guess)
i need to understand pressure versus flow

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