Lowering a Retaining Wall in Garden
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Lowering a Retaining Wall in Garden

by nroberts2136 » Tue Mar 24, 2020 12:40 pm

I have a retaining wall of 11 bricks high in my garden, it seperates the lower ground patio area from the higher ground grass behind it.

The higher grass level is up to 4 bricks of the retaining wall.

So I want to know if I can lower this wall to that 4 brick height where it's needed to keep the higher ground grass level up? As the wall is a total of 11 bricks in height, this would mean remover the top 7 prayers of bricks.

Is this possible to do? Any advice or options please?

I want to lower the wall so we can see the whole garden from the house, instead of seeing the patio then the wall which blocks the view of the higher grass level.

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