by Paul B »
Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:22 am
Thanks for your reply Aiden.
The work was done way back late August/early Sept. I think that the re-decorating may have been done a little too soon, not letting all of the plaster dry out entirely - the painting was done within a week or so of the new dpc and re-plaster work.
They used an undercoat mist, then a bathroom paint (easy wipe stuff) - the moisture meter only gives a reading on the surface, I don't really want to dig the pins into the wall, and it is in a very localised area - it is also patchy in reading, certainly no damp feeling, but the finish, as I said at this point, in the plastering is poor - I think as the wall is small and not very visible decoratively the plasterer cut corners on that side of the wall, and didn;t do the best job. Anyway, in warmer air/moist air conditions, the moisture meter will give a reading on the surface, soon as it turns cold in the air, no reading!
As for the skirting, again I only have a basic moisure meter - and in parts it read 2 out of 3 red dots on the skirting, but there is no flaking paint or cracking wood at present, and all very minimal.
Since living in the property this small rear internal wall has been a stress for me - I worry it os something really bad, but every builder, damp proof person has said it really is not a big problem worth worrying about so much.
I haven't applied the salt neutraliser, as I don;t want to make anything worse, it may just be best left really. Not sure what to do really. Worst case is to have all the new plaster hacked off again and re-done, but I'd rather not to be honest if can be avoided, and I know my wife would rather I just shut up about it!!!!
Any thoughts Aiden?