My pictures folders
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My pictures folders

by greengrass » Fri Jan 18, 2013 6:38 pm

Windows xp problem in 'My Pictures'. Icon picture is a yellow folder.

I have a folder named 'France Holidays' which I've put a photo of the map of France on the face of the folder. Inside this folder are 20 folders of the towns visited, I assume these would be refered to as sub-folders, and would like to be able to put one of the photos inside each folder on the each folders face.
Sequence carried out is the same as the main folder France on which I was successfull adding a photo to the folder face so can immediate see the icon map as well as the name.
After entering the Main France Holiday folder (obviously)
1. Right clicked one of the subfolders
2. Scrolled down to properties
3. Opened properties
4. Selected 'Customize'
5. Selected 'Choose photo/folder.
6. Selected photo and clicked open
7. Selected Apply followed by OK
NO photo appears on the subfolder Icon face.
However if in the subfolder I create a new folder (sub-subfolder) and go through the sequence above 1-7 and a photo appears on the face of the new sub-sub folder icon. [b]why can't I get that operation to work on the sub folder?[/b]
Photo appears on Main folder Icon
No photo on Sub folder Icon
Photo appears on Sub - Sub folder Icon
Operation obviously carried out seperately for each folder.

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