by ericmark »
Sat Apr 04, 2020 1:20 am
It is called a grid switch, each make is different, so as @Mr White says you need to know the make, or change the grid.
As to dimming, in theory you should not dim quartz lamps, the whole idea of a quartz lamp is the quartz envelope is that hot the tungsten will not stay on the quartz but will re-deposit on the element, over time some bits of element with get thicker than others which will in the end cause it to go open circuit, but if the quartz is not hot enough it will go black as the tungsten is deposited on it and the bulb will fail prematurely.
I know we do dim quartz bulbs, but that means a shorter life.
I can't read what it says on back of switch, but some dimmer switches need a neutral, and some have a two way function and have a master slave system, I can see three wires, but not why three wires not two, so is there a slave to that master?