Hi hope you can help
My brother in law has no central heating.
He has a back boiler that you can hear fire up when the hearing is called for but all rads remain cold.
There is a tank in the loft that is full of hot water.
I've bled all the rads I can for him (1 has the nipple rounded off and 1 just comes out in a dribble) the rest bled fine.
Ive also shut off all the radiators i can to see if the remaining ones heated but they didn't (4 of the rads in the house have old rusty trvs that won't turn)
He also has told me it used to also heat the water but stopped a while back.
I've advised him to change the trvs that are faulty and maybe a new rad to replace the one with the faulty nipple.
I suspect the pump and mpv need replacing?
Any help or advice would be appreciated.