I bought a house just before lockdown which, in the kitchen has a solid hardwood oak floor, each plank is around 400mm x 150 mm x 20 mm, I didn't know, but this floor is glued directly over old tiles underneath.
The areas under the kitchen units for a washing machine are exposed concrete, which is basically the same as under the tiles. This concrete is in those two spots not in a good condition it's chipped and powdered in places, old, uneven.
So I now have 3 levels, washing machine goes over the concrete, next to it, there's solid wood over tiles. I want to fix this and am not sure how to proceed since the floor need refinishing too, can't describe it as damaged but it's rough and chipped and the lacquer is gone in most places, but overall the flooring looks good still.
How can I fix this mess, is it a good idea to somehow bring the concrete places to the level of the wood and then laminate over the whole kitchen?
Or should I remove the solid wood floor and level the concrete with the old tiles and then laminate over?
I hate the tiles, they are dark orange from the 1950s looks like, but to remove the wood and then demolish the tiles, then level, then laminate would be a lot of work I think, no?
Or refinish the wooden floor, but wooden floor for a kitchen doesn't look like a good idea right?
What would you advise, thank you very much, I am quite handy so I think I can DIY it ideally as I've been replacing the appliances recently so budget is tight.