Peeling Paint on Kitchen Walls is Sealant Required?
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Peeling Paint on Kitchen Walls is Sealant Required?

by Larusso83 » Mon Mar 11, 2019 3:05 pm


I moved into a property and I’m having an issue with a portion of one of the kitchen walls.

When we moved in, The paint was a bit bubbly in places so I scraped it off and added another layer of paint.

That however, soon started to peel off. The paint and plaster underneath all seems fine. The newly revealed paint is just a little powdery to the touch.

I’m not sure but think the issue was caused by the previous owners lack of dealing with the condensation caused by cooking and drying clothes. The wall isn’t exterior facing so not sure if it’s damp. Since then we have a installed a dehumidifier which collects a load of water.

My friend had a similar issue in his house. He mentioned that his builder used a type of paint that had a consistency similar to acrylic or PVA glue.

So my loose plan of action is to scrap off all the loose bits of paint then add a layer of this PVA type stuff (brand names recommended please!) After which I’ll do a final coat of normal paint.

Does this sound at all right?

Advice would be very much appreciated.


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