I had a company in to undertake some damp proof work in my utility room and the wall behind it (the dining room).
The workmen duly came and, whilst the dining room plastering is reasonable, give or take a few cracks. The utility room has had to be done again due to rather extensive cracking, also the job was condemned by a visiting friendly builder.
Anyway, some of these cracks are now appearing again (it was done to 1 metre) and I am not impressed because some plaster vertically is now standing a bit proud. None is blown!
The damp proofer boss and I was promised that the workers would return to rectify the job. This will include the botched replacement of the skirting board and other minor details.
What I wondered about was why the plaster was cracking in the first place. I have looked carefully at the worse bit and there is certainly no continuation of cracking up the wall.
Incidentally, given that this is a utility room, the washer and dryer do run from time to time, although the current dryer is a condenser.