by ericmark »
Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:02 pm
I am looking at APPENDICES 15 of the BSi/IET wiring regulations BS7671:2008
[quote]The load current in any part of the circuit should be unlikely to exceed for long periods the current-carrying capacity of the cable (Regulation 433.1.5 refers). This can generally be achieved by:
(ii) not supplying immersion heaters, comprehensive electric space heating or loads of a similar profile from the ring circuit.
(iii) connecting cookers, ovens and hobs with a rated power exceeding 2 kW on their own dedicated radial circuit.
There is debate as to if appendices is really a part of the regulations but most consider it is.
So assuming the above has been complied with why would a 13A socket be used to supply an immersion heater? With a dedicated circuit which is required to comply with appendices 15 then likely there would be a B16 MCB or RCBO supplying the circuit so using a 15A plug and socket would be OK.
Once one breaks the requirements of regulations then one has to return to basic principles.