Possible AAV Durgo Valve Problem
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Possible AAV Durgo Valve Problem

by Kathemmi » Sat May 11, 2019 3:37 pm

We recently moved into a Victorian terraced hose and think there is a problem with the AAV Dirgo valve installation.
As can be seen from the image the AAV runs off the toilet waste & is positioned close under a conservatory roof.
First thing in the morning there is a foul waste smell in the conservatory which disappears after a short while. There seems no rhyme or reason to it as it's sometimes worse than others & sometimes there isn't a smell (this is infrequent)
On the half landing up from the toilet is the bathroom & shower, so the AAV is lower than the waste of the hand basin in the bathroom, which seems to be the highest waste point.
We are assuming that the problem is caused by the AAV being fitted lower than the hand basin waste. Do you think this could be the problem?
If so would fitting an AAV to the hand basin help?
Don't really fancy having a new roof panel made so that we can vent into the outside.
20190511_150808 4.jpg

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