This is my first post but I couldn't find anything along these lines by searching the forum..
We moved house almost a month ago and ever since, the toilet has bubbled every flush - it bubbles from the bowl. What with one thing and another, I haven't had any proper time to investigate this.. but admittedly haven't really prioritised it as the toilet still flushes fine with no slow drain or anything.
We've had loads of heavy rain and at 3am this morning, the toilet starting bubbling all on its own. It did this for about 4 or 5 minutes and then stopped.. around 2 hours later, it did it again for about a minute. I was scared to flush the toilet for a while but plucked up the courage about 1.5 hrs after the last bubbling - it still flushes fine but continues to bubble.
The bungalow was built around 1970 and I can't see any obvious vents outside.. The toilet doesn't bubble when the bath empties or anything along those lines... does anyone have any ideas?!