Hi all,
I am familiar with some basic lamp wiring, as I make my own lamps for use at home, but would like to to try something new. I'd like to introduce a toggle switch to a lamp circuit, I've seen it done before (like so: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/2625744 ... ?ref=hp_rv) but I've never used toggle switches before so it's not that intuitive to me.
I bought a DPST toggle and did some experimenting last night, but no joy so far. Here's a link to the one I bought: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/401051331207? ... EBIDX%3AIT. It has four screw terminals (numbered 1, 4, 3 and 6), so I tried connecting the live and neutral wires to those in various combinations (as I wasn't sure where input/output would be) by stripping the insulation, and hooking the wires around and under the head of the terminal screws.
Obviously nothing happened at all each time I turned it on. I've probably missed something really obvious. I'm also wondering if it's the fact I'm using a DPST rather than SPST, would that make more sense? I use 3 core cable with a brass lampholder, so am earthing in the plug and lampholder, but obviously leaving the earth cable unconnected where the toggle is introduced, is this an issue? I could easily switch to a bakelite lamphoolder and 2 core cable if so.
I am really grateful for any advice anyone can give on this, and can provide more info (including a picture of the screw terminals) if required.